"The bold and courageous dwarves are an ancient race descended from the earthen beings of living stone created by the titans when the world was young. Due to a strange malady know as the curse of flesh, the dwarves' earthen progenitors underwent a transformation that turned their rocky hides into soft skin. Ultimately, these creatures of flesh and blood dubbed themselves dwarves and carved out the mighty city of Ironforge in the snowy peaks of Khaz Modan."
Star Location: Dun Morogh
Encircled by jagged mountain peaks, the snowy region of Dun Morogh has been the cultural heart of Ironforge’s dwarves for ages. Not long ago, quakes roused numerous troggs from their subterranean dwellings and drove the bestial creatures toward the dwarven settlement of Anvilmar in Coldridge Valley. The sudden influx of troggs also caused the savage Frostmane trolls to abandon their usual holdings on Shimmer Ridge and encroach upon dwarf-occupied areas. Threatened on two fronts, Dun Morogh’s mountaineers are spread thin. Without additional assistance, the prized lands of Dun Morogh might soon fall to the dwarves’ barbarous foes.
Home City: Ironforge
Carved into the stone heart of Khaz Modan, the mighty city of Ironforge is a testament to the dwarves’ strength and resilience. During the Second War between orcs and humans, many dwarven strongholds fell to the onslaught of the Horde, yet Ironforge was never breached. Now ruled over by the Council of Three Hammers, the city has entered into a tense and potentially violent era. Yet should the council rule with equality and justice, this new period in Ironforge’s history might very well be its greatest.
Formed in the wake of King Magni’s petrification, the Council of Three Hammers is composed of one representative from each of the three dwarven clans. Muradin Bronzebeard, Magni’s younger brother and a veteran of the war against the Lich King, represents the Bronzebeards. Falstad Wildhammer, renowned gryphon rider and high thane of his clan, represents the Wildhammers. Moira Thaurissan, legal heir to the throne of Ironforge due to her lineage, represents the Dark Irons, the clan ruled by her late husband, Dagran. Despite their varying backgrounds and ideological differences, the three representatives have pledged to rule united for the good of Ironforge.
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